We all want to believe that our home is the safest place to be, as this is where we spend most of our family time and private life. So, to have peace of mind that it is secure we incorporate Deterrents to ward off undesirable behaviour. It doesn’t need to be expensive too start; all you need are a few handy starting points to ensure good crime prevention, these are as simple as : -
1. Deterrents - Putting in a front gate
Never underestimate the simplicity of installing a front gate, an opportunistic thief’s’ time is of the essence during a burglary, the burglar is more likely to skip your house, as thieves in most cases want a quick and easy obtainable heist.
2. Securing your windows
Installing a barrier between you and the thief will make it harder to get their hands on your things, and the more likely it is that the thief will move on. There are numerous things you can do to make it harder for someone to get inside, however key points are to make sure your windows are locked and consider adding Crimsafe to your windows.
3. Have your friendly neighbourhood security team take a look…
If you live in a tight-knit community and you know your security provider well (like Northern Protective Services in Kununurra), they can be part of your crime prevention plan. As we all know far too well unfortunately, there are signs burglars look for to see if you’re away. When you’re asleep or out of town, they might notice suspicious activity around your home and notify the authorities.
To help stifle this opportunity, it’s a good idea to have your local security team keep a watchful eye while you’re gone. It is also a good idea to discuss your mailing options if you are to receive packages on your property.
4. Buy a Dog
We’re of the mindset that dogs are important to any crime prevention plan, as they can potentially detect intruders or an opportunistic thief who shouldn’t be where they are. A barking dog is often enough to scare away a potential threat.

5. Motion lights
Motion lights will alert anyone in your home, and even neighbours to the presence of an unexpected guest. The last thing a thief wants to attract is attention, so motion lights may be enough to make them change their course and look past the property or think the house has a potential security set-up; especially since motion lights are often a sign that further security measures lie within or that someone is home.
Closed circuit TV (CCTV) has become very affordable and easy to install in your home. Thieves don’t like to be seen, let alone recorded! CCTV will not always stop a crime, but it does help in solving them.
There are several good products on the market, however the one we have the most experience with is the ARLO PRO 2 system. You can buy this at Officeworks or JB HI-Fi (and lots of other places). These systems are wireless and have the capacity to run for months on battery power. The recordings are really good quality and are stored in a cloud.